Plant garlic

Garlic may not be the most obvious crop to plant but it is easy and very worthwhile. You need a huge garden to be self-sufficient in potatoes but only the end of a small raised bed to grow all the garlic you need. And if you eat masses of garlic you can still grow all…

Planting tulips

Tulips are something of a luxury but, dare I say it, an essential one. I always think I am being extravagant when I buy the rich brown bulbs in autumn and then, when I am enjoying their dazzling blooms in spring, I wish I had not been so mean and wish I had planted more….

Brian Knight

It was with great sadness that I heard of the passing of Brian Knight last weekend. I had not seen him for many years but I have very fond memories of him. I am sure this will be shared by an enormous number of people who knew him through his many activities outside his life…

Planting daffodils

Now the ground is moistened by autumn rains and temperatures are dropping it is time to think about planting bulbs for spring colour. Of all the different bulbs we can grow, daffodils are possibly the best value because they should live and bloom for many years, producing more flowers each season. There are daffodils for…

Time to get creative

For some of us, our summer gardens are more or less a thing of the past. Heat and dry weather has put paid to summer flowers. But we need not dwell on the past. Gardeners are always looking to the future. And now is the ideal time to take cuttings and make some free plants….

Tomatoes in the heat

Last week I promised to tackle tomatoes and what to do to keep them healthy and productive. Everyone plants tomatoes at least once and they have the potential to be productive and delicious. But I can’t ignore the heat of this week and the ongoing drought conditions. You are quite aware of what is going…

August on the veg plot

August is a month for harvesting rather than planting in the veg plot. Summer cabbages are ready, carrots are plumping up and onions should be starting to dry, ready to harvest and store. With cooler nights recently the runner beans should be setting their long pods, and French beans need picking. There should be lots…

Perennials to help you relax

There is always lots to do in the garden, especially if you want colour for a long time. The seasons come and go and so do lots of plants, some need to be dug up and replaced while others need attention at various times. I do not begrudge most plants a bit of care and…

Summer highs and lows

It might not be the busiest time in the garden but there is a lot going on. There is fruit to pick, weeds to pull, plants to water, pests to control and crops to harvest. The heat of the last week has been a challenge for us all. I am sure you have been running…

Summer planting

The weather may be scorching but that doesn’t stop us gardeners wanting to plant. Even if you only went to Nags Hall to get some compost or even a coffee, it is difficult to resist a new plant, especially when it is in flower. Many of our gardens lack shrubs in bloom at this time…