Pruning winter stems

It is still a bit early for many gardening activities. The ground is wet and frost is keeping us off the grass and borders. But there are still a few useful jobs we can do. While it is still a bit early to prune roses and we shouldn’t go round the garden snipping for the…

Flowers to make you smile

We all need something to raise our spirits right now and our gardens are ready to do just that. It is not great gardening weather but a few plants are wowing us with winter blooms. I have always been a fan of winter flowers because, no matter how small the blooms may be, each one…

Time to get potatoes started

For a great crop of potatoes it pays to start early Although there is always debate about whether you should chit (sprout) potatoes before you plant them, and I have not done definitive trials, I think it makes sense to do so if you get your seed potatoes early. Nags Hall are open so you…

Raring to grow

After the recent cold weather it looks as though things may be getting a bit warmer this week. I will be glad to be able to do something outside, even though it may still be wet and cold. As I have said before, it is at this time of year that every flower, no matter…

A new start in the garden

The New Year may not have started with the good news we all wanted but our gardens still need our attention, when it is appropriate. The trouble is, that although there is lots I should be getting on with, soil conditions and the weather are not helping much. After all the recent rain the soil…