Colourful containers

We have had a decent week of weather and thoughts turn to summer so it is time to plant patio containers for summer. If you have had pots full of spring flowers now is the time to change them. Pull up and compost the plants and carefully dig up and dry off daffodils and tulips…

Squeeze in some squash

With the Bank Holiday with us, could it be that the weather is on the up? It looks as though today will be fine but tomorrow will be wet – wet what else would we expect! In the past week some cold nights may have caught you out if you planted too early. We always…

Tasty Tomatoes

It seems to be in our genes that we love to grow tomatoes. Even people who have no pretensions to be gardeners will to grow tomatoes at one time or another and there can be few patios around the country without a couple of plants. And why not? Tomatoes are potentially easy to grow and,…

Cultivating courgettes

If you are looking for a crop that is quick and easy to grow, in the garden or in a pot in the patio, courgettes are the perfect choice. Courgettes are closely related to marrows and other summer squash but they are specially bred to produce lots of ‘fruits’. You could grow a marrow plant…

Ravishing rhododendrons

We are now in the thick of the rhododendron season and it lasts for months. Although each variety is only in bloom for a few weeks, with careful selection you can have flowers from before April, through the crescendo in May and early June even into July and beyond. The best time to plant most…

Hooray for hostas

Another week, and yet more rain! It has been a difficult year for gardeners but at least we have been free from late frosts! Some years my early-emerging hostas get caught by late frosts, but not this year. Hostas are among the most important herbaceous plants. I would consider them an essential component in my…

Generous geraniums

Happy Easter to everyone. Many of us think about the garden for the first time this weekend. We get out the garden furniture, rush to buy charcoal for the barbecue on the first sunny evening and we might even tidy up the patio and think about planting for summer. It is still too early to…

The Garden Year starts now

For most people, the Easter holiday heralds the start of the garden year. There is so much to do in the garden to prepare it for summer. But with so many lovely flowers to buy and enjoy I did take some time out to make a little Easter display. I had a wooden trug in…

Growing for cut flowers

Happy St. Patrick’s Day. Some people feel a bit guilty when they cut flowers from the garden but I always feel that the flowers are even better appreciated when they are in a vase in the home. Few of us have enough room in the garden to plant a dedicated cut-flower plot but most of…

Happy Mother’s Day

For many, spring starts today and most of us certainly think about flowers. If you are giving a gift and don’t want to choose cut flowers, a pot or pack of primroses is sure to be well-received. With an amazing array of colours at Nag’s Hall you will be spoilt for choice. If you have…